Sunday, December 07, 2014

Netwitness Integration! AWESOME!!

We had our last Threat Day of the year the other day, and after the day ended, we were invited to see how a local group uses intelligence pulled from Red Sky Alliance and ThreatRecon.  They integrated it into Netwitness and it was VERY cool!

Apparently they parse everything that needs parsing, and pull from Threat Recon, drop it into Netwitness, and away they go.  When they pulled up the analysis screen, the proof was in the pudding. We had our share of hits for the day, and we started pulling.

We've heard stories - Maltego transforms, CRITS, Splunk, ThreatConnect and now Netwitness. To see it running operationally in someone's environment... This makes me really happy!


On Friday we had the opportunity to speak with someone directly involved in Ukraine.  We'll definitely be updating our deck.  The guy definitely filled in some holes!

  • One of the things I heard was a story about how smart televisions were hacked to block channels and broadcast "aggressor" television.  
  • And the idea that webcams were hacked and used for intelligence doesn't surprise me, but to hear that someone non-military knew about it shocked me.  
In the US, we don't think about the fake fire hydrant with the we web cam built in or the unmarked traffic cams, but the idea that a civilian knows that someone uses these cameras to have up to the minute intelligence, correlating it with full monitoring in the telephone systems (landline and GSM)... wow.


So we're heading into the end of the year.. Roughly three weeks left. As we head into the remainder of the year, we're putting on the push for final memberships and new Wapack Labs subscribers.
If you've been thinking about joining us, now's the time. We've been talking with a ton of folks who seemingly are anxious to get some last minute security spend before the years end, and we're happy to offer really good terms.

If you've been thinking about calling us, do it now.

Have a great weekend!