Saturday, September 17, 2016

What do a Securities Regulator, an Investment Banker, and a Fulbright Board member have in common?

They all loved Cyberwatch.

I know. I don't normally like to market on this blog ;) but I can't help it. I'm so excited.  Between the ASIS/ISC2 conference in Orlando and the talks downtown Manhattan this week, I demoed Cyberwatch on my iPad at least 50 times.

This morning is a bit different. I came back from NY with a WHALE of a cold. My head's full and I feel like a train wreck, so I'm going to post the video that shows the basic premise of Cyberwatch, and then once again, I'll give you the URLs.

Here's the video. It's 2 minutes long.

There are two applications on this. The GUI is shown at we realized a few weeks ago that we weren't UX builders... I'm going to hire some talent for v2. 

However... the API is awesome. The API feeds the Cyberwatch app, and can be reached at So far, we've had several companies call us, wanting to know if the results are real. Feedback has been amazing. We've fixed many of those issues in our code that needed fixing, and have a roadmap of features that we've also already started working.

OK, enough for now. Watch the video. Try the API. Plug it into whatever front end you use.


We've been pounding the pavement getting ready for this weeks Threat Day. If you've not RSVP'd please contact Pam. Cigars in a private room at JR's the night before, and the meeting on Tuesday in the "Major Telecom" conference center with a tour of the Global NOC.  

Keeping it short. Keep an eye on announcements of products...

Have a great weekend!

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