Steve Martin had this routine where he talked about playing a cruel joke on kids —by teaching them to talk wrong. As a kid, I laughed many times, listing to this old record over and over, but last week, something happened that made me laugh --not because it was as funny as Steve Martin, but because I listened in horror as a well paid security guy sprinkled in words and phrases that he absolutely nothing about.
When I was an Ensign (ok, and sometimes as a JG) we used to (sometimes) sit in meetings and write down all of the acronyms, buzz words and power phrases, and then string them together to make jibberish paragraphs that actually sounded like they could be legit! It was even more fun to hear those phrases later when someone else picked them up and used them as their own. Imagine how hard we laughed!
A few years ago I had a young guy that worked for me in, who after a few drinks at an offsite used the phrase "fake it till you make it". I hadn't thought about that comment in a while but I was reminded of it last week during a conversation with a young security pro(?), who I'm convinced writes key words and buzz phrases from the multitude of information security conversations he participates in and then saves them in reserve for those times when he's in a conversation where he needs be credible, but lacks depth. The thought is, sprinkle in a few important words, names or concepts —regardless of how well they're known, do it with conviction, take cover from the halo effect of previous successes, and there's a high likelihood that won't be (most times) challenged.
I feel like I'm seeing this more and more. I went to an ISC2 meeting where a Mandiant exec (at the time) and I both presented on APT. We talked about indicators and TTPs, until one brave young woman, in this otherwise deer-in-the-headlights audience, chimed in and asked What is an IOC? OK, so she's the CISO for a string of medical facilities and should know that, but if there were ever a place to ask the question and get an education, it'd be at an ISC2 meeting right?
Good for her!
Last week one of my own guys, when talking about possibly introducing a new application, made a comment (something to the effect) Changing a firewall rule is easy! Anyone can do it! To which I responded When's the last time you changed a firewall rule? And, when's the last time you changed that firewall in a large enterprise company (like our customers)??
This is hard stuff. You can't just log into a Netgear box and increase to the next highest security settings needed to keep you safe. There are a dozen (or more —usually more) interdependencies that also must be considered.
In fact, this is one of my favorite (past) presentations, I talk about the SANS Top 20 controls, ISO 27001, and NIST. The could easily go for an hour, but it's only one slide long. I talk about the moats and controls that must be built around critical assets, and I talk about the fact that there are like 300 things that must be done right every minute of every day, and if you miss even one, well… At that time, I was talking about large enterprise. Today, however, after having been in the seat for just under six years, I'm finding that even the smallest companies have those exact same problems.
So I'm thinking maybe it's time to blow the dust off of my one slide 'Why is Infosec Hard?' presentation and do some training on change management in defense in depth, system design requirements, network design requirements, and the butterfly effect that happens when making internal defensive changes. It's a hard lesson but important.
I don't fault anyone for the lack of depth. The just one of those things where if you've not operated in a SOC, you may not know how hard it really can be. As well, we've gone from 10 mph in demand to over 100 mph in the last few years —virtualized footprints, the criminal shift from having fun to making real money, regulatory requirements, government reporting, and a dozen other variables have all contributed to this massive sucking sound —sucking many many people into positions to which they may not yet be ready.
So where do these people go for help? Besides asking friends (who are, many times, in the same boat as they are), they come to information sharing environments. In some, they get a steady stream of IOCS, in others, they get hammered by vendors paying their way into educational speaking engagements, and in others they get two way collaboration in which they can ask those question, receive non-biased information.
One of the reasons that I absolutely LOVE the idea of information sharing is because there are no stupid questions! And if you feel like you're going to be embarrassed asking the question in one of our public forums, IM or DM us and we'll answer you in private! Heck, request a training session. We do one every Friday! Maybe someone else will benefit too.
Red Sky Alliance isn't here to sell you products or services. Its only purpose is to share information collaboratively. And its changing to stay up with the times. We run this area that we call the Cyber Threat Analysis Center (CTAC for short). I like to call it ISAC 3.0 but it's really a suite of our favorite tools in one desktop made available for our customers. Open the desktop. Select a tool. Need a script? Open our Script repository and either grab one you need or collaborate on building one. Need help? We're here. Open HipChat or Slack and ask for help. Need a report? Fast? We have an archive. Need something fresh? Try Wapack Pagekicker. Enter your query, wait thirty seconds and get a machine written report.
Let's leave "An mambo dogface in the banana patch" and get everyone on the same page, speaking the same language, educating each other. Yes, we can do this.
Call me for a demo. Yes, I take phone calls too.