Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eight Analysts' IT Predictions

Short, interesting read.

I have thoughts (you knew I would!)...

1. Shadow IT use will grow. Not called out by the analysts, but IMO, because of new infosec threat landscape, required controls, and the need for enterprise to take and maintain positive control over every computing asset, you'll see a TON of new shadow IT to skirt those requirements... I also think big enterprise will offer pseudo approval of this practice... "If we don't know about it, we don't have to report it when it gets whacked." Right?? Hmm...

2. Cloud computing. I know we're seeing a lot of hype around cloud computing, applications, and services.. IMO, it's coming fast. Companies are going to realize that paying for their own internal IT isn't as cost effective as having someone do it in the cloud, paying by the account and/or use. Additionally, if cloud computing is used, and there's a break-in, the owner of the data now has somebody to sue for damages! In a time when you can't help be get broken into, doesn't it make sense to have someone to point the finger at?

3. Cost reductions? No surprises there. The main role of a CIO is to apply current technologies to increase competitiveness through either top-line growth (sales), or bottom line growth (through cost avoidance and/or
increases in efficiencies/effectiveness).

Anyway, good stuff...

Happy New Year!


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