Monday, February 21, 2011

Another mover into the MSSP space?

Just running through my required reading. I know, it's a little late, but heck, I'm a bit of a multi-tasker, not-so-good television tonight, and I'm in between good books. Ok, not really, I'm reading "The Accidental Salesperson".. it's actually pretty good, but I've had enough for today.

Anyway, in my browsing my required reading and RSS feeds, I came across an interesting post. ADP (the payroll outsourcing company) is  advertising for forensic people for their 'converged security' practice. About five seconds of digging -- --shows several postings for ADP's new outsourced practice. Funny, I know there's money attached. I saw something from a year or so ago that talked of $355b government spending for cyber security, but a payroll company? Wow. Talk about teaching old dogs new tricks! I'm impressed! The bigger question? Will they be successful? What exactly does ADP call 'converged'? I know what I call it, but the definitions seem to change.. infosec = cyber. What exactly does converged mean in the market today?


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