Saturday, October 27, 2012

In their own words... “Red Sky Rocks!”

In their own words... “Red Sky Rocks!”

Analysis centers, CERTS, DCISE --we all go through periods where
activities slow. Summer, holidays.. we all go through it. Summer for us was no different. The portal could have been more active, but started coming back right after Labor day, and grew steadily through September and October. We’re full-out busy now. While we knew it’d get busy again, it still makes me nervous. I try my best to keep my finger on the pulse of the membership. Are we doing ok? Have members stopped seeing value? Where is everybody? So we asked the question... are we doing ok? We received some really nice responses that I thought I might share:

“Good stuff happening here.  Red Sky Rocks!”

“We’ve decided to make a commitment. We love the analysis and reporting!”

“I’m not much for words. I will say this. Beadwindow makes me a better analyst.  Red Sky makes me a faster analyst.  Having access to the MAG2 creates a repeatable triage process for our Abuse, Malware, and Threat Intelligence. The MAG2 is my go to tool for exploring malware, suspected phishing attempts, and researching new threats.  I suck every bit of intel I can out of the reports provided from the portal and information from the MAG2. Having access to the tools and expertise (Chris H.) provides me a level of comfort that I have only experienced professionally when I was at DHS SOC.  As my organization moves forward with our 24/7 capabilities I can only see us asking (begging) for more users to help augment our staff at the State of M....

“Without a doubt the SOM [sic] is safer today (and tomorrow) because of membership and participation in Beadwindow from RedSky.”

In my last job, I’d tell my boss and team that I like to deliver body blows. What’s that mean? In boxing, a knockout punch might be delivered in one out of every fifty blows (or more). Body blows have the same effect (winning) but are easier to deliver, provide a larger target, and have an amazing effect when delivered consistently, time and time again... They just take a little longer. Knockouts require one good punch. Body blows require focus, persistence and patience, and while the first blow might not feel so bad, they wear the opponent down over time until, finally, the opponent succumbs. Red Sky and Beadwindow are delivering body blows.

We focus on doing one thing right, over and over and over, while talking with our members to ensure we’re delivering value --over and over and over. We bring in great companies who have mature infosec teams who’ve developed processes for dealing with the new threats; we encourage conversations during incident response; we offer tools to help with analysis, and then we boil those conversations down into fast-turnaround analysis reports with highly relevant, actionable information that can be cut and pasted out of the report and straight into your defense-in-depth. Others coming in maybe aren’t so mature, but seem to be hungry and ask questions. That’s great too! We WANT you to learn how to defend yourself. And when you don’t know what to do with the information, just ask. All of our members are peer reviewed. It’s about delivering high quality products every time, every day, over and over and over. Body blows.

It’s funny. I’m sitting here typing this as I discuss with my daughter if she’s going to the Halloween dance. The only thing running through my mind right now is “Don’t be a wallflower!” I’d say that to all of you who’ve been standing by the sidelines waiting to see if Red Sky was going to work. While we’re not doing Founding member certificates anymore, we are honoring Founding member pricing through the end of the year. Don’t be a wallflower. Drop us a note. Schedule a demo.

Until next week, have a great weekend... and please, if you’re in the path of Sandy, stay safe!


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