Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What is Movember?

I've been asked several times in the last week or so "Why are you growing that ugly beard?"

I've been asked if I was homeless, so I finally got a good haircut (manscaping?) to make sure that even with the spotty facial hair that comes from what my grandmother used to tell us was the American Indian side, I still look gooooooooooooddddddd.

So on that... what is Movember, and why is Stutzman going with the homeless look? Because it sparks conversation around men's health. And if you want to contribute money and be involved, check out the official Movember website. It's the real deal. And when you've got family members (like I do) who currently have prostrate cancer, and you think about it every day because the guy is eight months older than me, and you wonder what it must be like to be 52 years old and going through this, the idea of growing facial hair (mine really is bad) for a month to generate conversation is a small price to pay, and maybe, just maybe, it'll help someone.

So when you see me in MD/DC this week, or in Pittsburgh next --I'll be on the podium at a the NIST conference at Pitt --and chuckle at my feeble attempt to show support, know this.. it's for a really good reason... stop me and ask me about it.

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